🇳🇱 de toestemming: permission > Learn Dutch in Eindhoven >

Learn Dutch Eindhoven

Do you want to learn Dutch? Learn Dutch at our school in Eindhoven! We provide the best Dutch courses for adults. We have a maximum of 12 students per group. Our Dutch course will provide you with a solid foundation in the Dutch language, including knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence structure. This will […]

🇳🇱 het grasveld: lawn > Learn Dutch in Eindhoven >

Learn Dutch Eindhoven

Do you want to learn Dutch? Learn Dutch at our school in Eindhoven! We provide the best Dutch courses for adults. We have a maximum of 12 students per group. Our Dutch course will provide you with a solid foundation in the Dutch language, including knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence structure. This will […]

🇳🇱 gaan zitten: to sit down > Learn Dutch in Eindhoven >

Learn Dutch Eindhoven

Do you want to learn Dutch? Learn Dutch at our school in Eindhoven! We provide the best Dutch courses for adults. We have a maximum of 12 students per group. Our Dutch course will provide you with a solid foundation in the Dutch language, including knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence structure. This will […]

🇳🇱 schelp- en schaaldieren: seafood > Learn Dutch in Eindhoven >

Learn Dutch Eindhoven

Do you want to learn Dutch? Learn Dutch at our school in Eindhoven! We provide the best Dutch courses for adults. We have a maximum of 12 students per group. Our Dutch course will provide you with a solid foundation in the Dutch language, including knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence structure. This will […]

🇳🇱 de filmster: movie star > Learn Dutch in Eindhoven >

Learn Dutch Eindhoven

Do you want to learn Dutch? Learn Dutch at our school in Eindhoven! We provide the best Dutch courses for adults. We have a maximum of 12 students per group. Our Dutch course will provide you with a solid foundation in the Dutch language, including knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence structure. This will […]

🇳🇱 de mug: mosquito > Learn Dutch in Eindhoven >

Learn Dutch Eindhoven

Do you want to learn Dutch? Learn Dutch at our school in Eindhoven! We provide the best Dutch courses for adults. We have a maximum of 12 students per group. Our Dutch course will provide you with a solid foundation in the Dutch language, including knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence structure. This will […]

🇳🇱 bijten: to bite > Learn Dutch in Eindhoven >

Learn Dutch Eindhoven

Do you want to learn Dutch? Learn Dutch at our school in Eindhoven! We provide the best Dutch courses for adults. We have a maximum of 12 students per group. Our Dutch course will provide you with a solid foundation in the Dutch language, including knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence structure. This will […]

🇳🇱 het geld: money > Learn Dutch in Eindhoven >

Learn Dutch Eindhoven

Do you want to learn Dutch? Learn Dutch at our school in Eindhoven! We provide the best Dutch courses for adults. We have a maximum of 12 students per group. Our Dutch course will provide you with a solid foundation in the Dutch language, including knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence structure. This will […]

🇳🇱 de munt: coin > Learn Dutch in Eindhoven >

Learn Dutch Eindhoven

Do you want to learn Dutch? Learn Dutch at our school in Eindhoven! We provide the best Dutch courses for adults. We have a maximum of 12 students per group. Our Dutch course will provide you with a solid foundation in the Dutch language, including knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence structure. This will […]

🇳🇱 het hoofd: head > Learn Dutch in Eindhoven >

Learn Dutch Eindhoven

Do you want to learn Dutch? Learn Dutch at our school in Eindhoven! We provide the best Dutch courses for adults. We have a maximum of 12 students per group. Our Dutch course will provide you with a solid foundation in the Dutch language, including knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence structure. This will […]